
Sleep Condition Predictor

  • Trains a deep neural network with given inputs of sleep conditions and quality
  • Model predicts the quality of the sleep given conditions after training
  • Made with the TensorFlow library with Keras
Just some code
Part of the code that trains the model

Connect 4 Game

  • Built with the Pygame framework
  • Object-oriented programming structure
  • GUI is very clean if I do say so myself
  • Very smooth UX :)
This website you're on
Check out the game demo on YouTube (with sound!) or download it to try for yourself

STEM Fellowship's Big Data Challenge

  • Worked with 2 amazing teammates on analyzing the relationships between hurricane conditions and severity
  • Analyzed JSON and CSV datasets with Python regression analysis and the Pandas library
  • Wrote scientific report showing findings and presented a keynote presentation to a panel of data scientists
  • Report was published on STEM Fellowship's journal
Me presenting our project
My two teammates and I presenting our project (I'm speaking)

Personal Website

  • Now responsive and working on mobile!
  • Structured with HTML and styled with CSS
  • Loading animations are made by timing native CSS animations
  • My first time doing web development and using HTML and CSS, still a work in progress
This website you're on This is exactly what you're using right now